Having worked for few weeks in a B2B sales profile I can say that when it comes to B2B business, Sales and Marketing behaves like distant cousins. They no longer work in tandem and there is a huge disconnect between them.
I will try to explore where and why this disconnect? Why it should not be there?
B2B business is driven by motivated sales team rather than Marketing evangelists. Marketing people do play a role but it is at the very high level. They have very less clue of what is exactly happening on the ground level. On the other hand sales people think that they are the ones who are putting up all the hard work on the ground. They are the ones who are actually connecting with channel partners, promoting the brand and bringing in the numbers. They pay special focus on developing a channel through channel partners as most of the business is done through them only in most of the cases. Mostly sales force relies on their contacts to build and expand this channel. They will use pricing, products differentiation and every trick in the book to build channel. But they forget one important aspect in this whole picture, “Branding”. But this is not their prerogative; marketing people should be doing it!!!
In B2B scenario one can say that Marketing team has fewer stakes as they don’t have to reach to individual customers. Their target audience is greatly reduced. Marketing people think that it’s responsibility of Sales team to develop the channel and they spend virtually no effort in marketing the company to the channel partners. The whole focus is on customers who do not interact with the company directly, but through the channel partners. What an irony!!!
Hence the disconnect lies in sales and marketing teams approach towards channel partners. Both of these teams have individual plan in isolation and seldom seem to work in tandem to tap these channel partners.
One solution to this issue is to have a marketing team dedicated to market the company to the channel partners. Their effort should be in sync with the effort of marketing team focusing on brand building and marketing to customers. This marketing team should work on branding collaterals, special programs, promotional schemes focused on channel partners. At the same time Sales people should work closely with this team to make them aware about their requirements.
Common sense should prevail…Soon…