Sunday, June 14, 2009

Business @ “Smoking points”, “Drinking places” & “Golf courses”

One day one of our distinguished Professors said that Business (B2B) is all about managing authenticity and building trust. I liked that statement but was never able to appreciate it. I used to think that business is about making great presentations, excellent communication skills, strategies, jargons, business suits et al. It’s about big conclaves, meets where people meet, know each other and do business with each other.

The moment of truth came few backs weeks when even after working (internship) for a big MNC I realized that ground realities are totally different. Real business is about everything but whatever I have mentioned earlier. It’s all about building trust and managing authenticity.

Now the logic is very simple and goes like this. If I have to buy something from you, which can be anything product or a service, I will have to put my money on you. I will have to rely on you to deliver. In short I will have a strong dependency on you. I you fail I am also bound to fail. So you have to win my trust and confidence in order to convince me to put on money on you.

One thing is for sure that one can’t win the trust only by making great presentations and speaking flawlessly in a posh boardroom. You have make connection with that person. You will have to come across as someone who is real and serious about the whole affair. You have to tell him that even your stakes are quite high in this whole affair.

At middle management level I have observed few platforms where people really connect like anything, though I don’t endorse any of these platforms. First one is “smoking points” outside the offices. This is a place where a sales person and his prospective client will fag together and discuss the things openly in non threating environment. If sales person is able to make connection he will win the deal and probability of making connection increases many folds at places like this. Until few weeks back I never believed in this but now I am convinced about it.

Second is “Drinking places”. These are the places where real business happens. Under a bit of influence of alcohol one is able to trust each other better. Also the mask people wear becomes somewhat transparent which facilitates making connection with the other person. This place is a real ice breaker.

I think these are the two places outside board room where people test each other and decide if they want to do business with each other. Now these are the points where business involving small to medium amount of money happens. There is one more place where big deals happen, the “Golf course”. According to one survey 20% business happens on golf courses. I have no personal experience in this as yet but I will share my perspective. On a golf course big industry honchos come together and discuss things in a relaxing environment. They try to understand each other. They test each other’s game and see the kind of energy and passion other person has. Then they decide if they befit for each other or not.

I would like to conclude by saying that few other things like your culture; integrity; values etc do help in managing authenticity and building trust but they rather are the things which one ought to have if he/she wants to be a successful businessman.


  1. I agree completely..
    can u expand it further.. Bhopali

  2. Hey I am working with MNC(can't name it here) which is not hardware selling. They work with all kinds of people, big and small corporates. There I have observed that these3 things helps to connect better with them.

  3. expanding would be like, quoting the previous scientific evidence, if your article can be generalised.
    Like --> quoting golf meetings as a source of possibe business productivity(though scientific journals), getting the important indicators from that, and than putting those indicators in work place..
    May be..Bhopali

    But start step wise, first collect the data

  4. Hey there is no facts here...It is purely based on my 1 month experience in Sales....:)

  5. smoking, drinking and golf...i would say is over rated when it comes to business. To be true..these places are nothing more than an ice breaker.....real business happens only when it makes sence "financially".
    from my experience...where i make trade deals almost daily...someone wont do business with u cause u r his smoking or drinking buddy....bottom line is...and probably u can check this with ur company guys that...these places are nothing more than a meeting place...just like office. Mask or no mask...if it doesn't make sence it wont happen......Mudit
