Saturday, June 20, 2009

Experience Management and Leadership @ “The Apprentice”

I would like to start with a brief introduction to “The apprentice” for all of you who do not know about it. It is reality based TV show in which 15 candidates compete for one job for 15 weeks. All the candidates have impressive credentials, with some leading their companies and some with best education in the world from the likes of Harvard, Boston, and Cambridge et al. Some are street smart high school dropouts as well. The Job is to run one of the companies of Mr. Donald Trump who is a biggest real estate developer of New York City and owns more than 100 companies. Mr. Donald trump is a great leader and is highly respected for everyone in USA. He enjoys a true celebrity status.
All of what has been said by me would not be making any sense if I miss this word, which is the spirit of the whole show, Leadership. There is a great emphasis of leadership qualities and the respect a leader should command from the team.
As management students we have read a lot about Leadership. We have tried our best to define it, understand the spirit of it and lots more. But personally I was not able to appreciate it, until now. I had a vague idea of what leadership is. Also we read about “Type A” personalities, different types of leaders which some with dictator like qualities and some who believe in engaging their team and lot more terms which have started to sound more like a cliché by now.
Now here is one TV show which has got everything into it, which can enable anybody to understand and experience all the jargon they come across or have read text books of management. Prima facie it may look like any other TV show where people come together, compete and somebody wins. Its Business orientation differentiates it from all other shows. The tasks of the teams are complete related to business and nothing else. For all of the tasks along with business sense one should have knowledge of demand supply principle, pricing, consumer behavior, marketing, advertisement, sales, value proposition to the customer and lot more. The judges for all these tasks are top executives from HUL, Pepsi, P&G, Levis jeans, depending on the nature of the task.
I will give you the glimpse of few tasks that teams undertook:
Design and new bottle of new flavor of Pepsi, Design a new advertisement campaign for Levis, Market and sell new burger from burger king, Develop a piece of real estate, Set up a restaurant and get the best user review
All these tasks need great leadership skills from the team leader, which is chosen for every task by the team. Now lots of time leader has to operate in the background and sometimes he/she has come in the front. Sometimes if someone is not doing a good job you have to decide whether to go for a change as time is crucial in every task. There is lots of back stabbing, maligning, strategy, creativity involved in every task. One should know how to manage “Type A” personalities, which perhaps is as tough as anything could be.
I have had many overwhelming moments while watching this reality show. I am sure that what I have learnt from this show is much more than what I learnt from the management text books for the last one year. Watching this TV show has again made me wonder, if we really need a management degree to be successful in business of it’s the practical experience which matters more.

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